Triumph Rocket III Roadster Number 2

Triumph Rocket III Roadster – I like it so much I bought another one

A rare accolade – I’ve owned 30+ bikes over the years and this is only the second model that I’ve bought twice. The first time being in the mid 80s when I fell for the Kawasaki GPz1100i (A2 Unitrack). There’s a picture of my second one somewhere on this site, complete with flames paint job.

But I digress… here’s Rocket III Roadster number 2. The number plate has been very poorly edited to my usual low standard (it’s not my strong point), but FFS actually is part of it. That clinched the deal for me. Very disappointed that Triumph have decided to cease manufacture (as of now). This is why I’m a strong believer in enjoying the moment – things change and not necessarily for the better. Thankfully the changes here are decidedly for the better…

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I fitted new TORs as they actually suit this bike, K&N high flow filter, dropped a modified 20776 TOR tune that opens up the secondaries and richens the mixture just a little, and removed the awful alien head-shaped screen. The breathing mods let the engine run and sound as intended – truly Awesome. Silky smooth pickup and power delivery from anywhere in the rev range in any gear. Filters through traffic at low revs with not a trace of lumpiness or hesitation and takes off like a scalded cat when prompted.

Traffic still parts like the Red Sea before Moses – well… the sound of his Triumph was fairly loud too. The TORs are not antisocial, but deep enough and loud enough to ensure car drivers know I’m there. The Roadster has presence in abundance.

Think some work has also been done around the previously ‘heavy’ gearbox – this is definitely more of a ‘Schnick Vroom Schnick Vroom’ machine, although 1st from neutral still sounds like hitting the transmission with a sledge hammer (strangely reassuring).

You may notice I’m still using the FC17 forward controls (despite owning the early pre rigid-bracket version). They are really quite good, after 20,000 miles or so I guess I’ve grown used to the flexing. Damn comfortable though, especially fitted with the really solid flat Triumph pegs that were originally highway pegs on the (now removed) dresser bars.

Although now removed, the sissy bar is (was) so much better than my previous one, which looked like an afterthought and spend most of it’s time living in the Man Cave roof-space. This one really flows and sets the lines off nicely, a friend tells me it’s reassuringly solid and comfortable even under enthusiastic acceleration (much like myself). Thinking of getting it coated the same black as the radiator cover.

8 comments to “Triumph Rocket III Roadster Number 2”
  1. Nice bike, I just bought a new 2016 Roadster a month ago….and I love it!

    Where did you hear that the Rocket has been discontinued? Is it from a reliable source?

    • Well – you can’t always believe what Sales guys say, but there was nothing to be gained by telling me this. Got it from the Sales Team at Youles Triumph dealership in Blackburn. There’s apparently a growing campaign to change Triumph’s mind, seems the decision was prompted by increasingly restrictive EU regulations.

      Becoming the best bike I’ve ever owned.

  2. Also own a 2016 Roadster,swapped it for my Storm. After a test ride on the Rocket I just had to have one.Now fitted with Dave Platt exhausts,K&N filter and the Triumph Tor tune and it runs fantastic.Recently rode down to the Alps with the wife and have no complaints what so ever.Think I will be keeping this one for a while,at least until the 2.5 litre beast makes an appearance.

    • Rocket certainly adds a little smile factor to the day… glad you’re both enjoying yours. My better half not so much of a fan, but she appreciates the joy it brings me.!

  3. Hi William

    Off topic but……

    Not sure if you can help but any advice would be appreciated.

    I have a R3 Classic that I’ve picked up a set of Roadster TORS for. This means I need to replace the Classic link pipe with a Roadster one….you wouldn’t have one knocking around that you want to sell would you?

    Failing that, do you have any experience of getting something like that made and can you recommend anyone?

    Hope you don’t mind me asking.

    • Hi Frank – sorry for delay, been tied up on a contract.

      Always liked the classic, particularly in red/white… Sorry but not got link pipe knocking around – I’m sure you could get something suitable fabricated by an engineer though. Don’t know a pipe bender off-hand but can ask around if you like..?

    • No argument from me there – both are real nice bikes. Although not as pretty as my old Thunderbird with the shorties and Mustang Seat.

      Personally I do find the matt black and white stripes visually appealing.

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